EchoGo Core 2.0: Next generation AI platform offers faster, more robust, holistic echo diagnostics, with over 230 measurements
- | By Ultromics
- Press Release
Echo AI pioneers Ultromics have announced the FDA clearance and commercial launch of EchoGo Core 2.0, a cardiac analysis platform that provides a cloud-based service for fully automating key measurements useful in the diagnoses of heart health.
The move is part of the company’s commitment to continuous improvement and innovation - supporting faster, earlier, and more accurate diagnosis of cardiovascular disease (CVD) for improved patient outcomes.
EchoGo Core 2.0 is cleared for over 230 measurements, including Ejection Fraction (EF), Strain measurements, and volumes, on two-, three- and four-chamber views, providing more holistic reporting and a greater selection of measurement calculation options.
The new release is even faster and continues to build on Ultromics’ zero variability and fully reproducible echocardiography analysis, powered by artificial intelligence. These additional capabilities help echo teams meet the challenges of 21st century healthcare – making sure the patient gets the right treatment at the right time, tackling the CVD crisis head on.
AI and CVD
Despite huge strides in how CVD is diagnosed, treated, and managed in recent years, it remains a major cause of morbidity, mortality, and excess health costs. Timely, accurate diagnostics have a vital role to play in stemming the tide.
Identifying conditions such as coronary artery disease and heart failure early can prevent acute events such as cardiac arrest and more chronic conditions that are expensive to treat and cause long-term complications that erode a patient’s quality of life.
Echocardiography is central to fast and effective diagnosis and has the potential to diagnose CVD much earlier in the patient pathway, for example in primary care, but it faces many challenges in its traditional form. The modality is very operator dependant and is thus highly variable and often does not produce reproducible, reliable results. Echo also requires expert sonographers to acquire and analyse the echo images, which is a major bottleneck due to hospitals struggling to cope with increasing demand for echo tests and skilled sonographer shortages. EchoGo can help on all fronts. Its cutting-edge machine learning algorithms quickly analyze massive quantities of complex information to perform the most advanced analysis of echocardiograms that are highly accurate, precise, and have been proven to be predictive of patient outcomes (where traditional manual and semi-automated analysis was not).
What’s more, it can significantly reduce the time it takes to perform an exam, which currently stands at around one hour. By automating key tasks, EchoGo’s AI increases throughput while freeing up skilled echocardiographers to focus on what they do best: providing the accurate, timely diagnosis that improves care, informs optimal management, and boosts clinical outcomes.
What’s new for EchoGo Core 2.0?
As a company with our roots in clinical practice, Ultromics is dedicated to ensuring our products meet the needs of our colleagues working on the front line in medical practices.
Key new features in EchoGo Core 2.0 include:
- Expanded dataset for truly global representation: EchoGo Core was trained on data from 30 UK NHS hospitals. This has now been expanded to include data from the USA, Asia, and Australia, making EchoGo Core 2.0 representative of a global population.
- More cardiac output: EchoGo Core 2.0 accurately automates more than 230 matrices, including EF, Strain, and volumes, eradicating subjective measurements.
- Expanded heartbeat range: EchoGo Core 2.0 has an expanded heartbeat range of 35-151 bpm, improving the platform’s ability to diagnose CVD and predict adverse outcomes.
- Faster turnround times: EchoGo 2.0 can return holistic reports in minutes, allowing teams to provide faster diagnostics and increase throughput.
- Support of structured reporting: for seamless integration into native cardiovascular information and reporting systems.
- Improved technical specifications: Updated technical specifications on non-contrast frame rate, keeping pace with vendor hardware applications.
Dr Ross Upton, CEO and founder of Ultromics, said: “The CVD crisis is costing lives and adding millions to healthcare costs. Echo is central to providing the faster, more accurate diagnoses we need to make sure the right person gets the right treatment at the right time, and to avoid long-term complications. But the imaging modality is complex, subjective, and time consuming. AI is the answer.
“Driving down variability in echocardiography can deliver consistent, reliable, safe scans, and improve disease detection – and that’s exactly what EchoGo Core 2.0 is designed to do. It can return results in minutes, accelerating diagnosis, and providing teams with more confidence in their results.”
About Ultromics
Ultromics is a fully automated software as a service platform powered by AI that allows clinicians to make fast, accurate decisions when using ultrasound images to diagnose cardiovascular disease. Born at the University of Oxford and built-in partnership with the U.K.’s NHS, Ultromics has developed the first fully automated solution for echocardiography (EchoGo Core, FDA 510(k), CE Marked) and analysis of global longitudinal strain (GLS). Ultromics delivers analysis to any vendor within minutes, with zero variability, without any disruption to workflow, and can even predict a patient’s risk of developing coronary artery disease (EchoGo Pro. 510(k), CE Marked). Ultromics has partnered with leading research institutions, including the Mayo Clinic, NHS and American Society of Echocardiography. For more information, visit ultromics.com.